first home

What Matters To Home Buyers

As the interest in urban housing in metropolitan areas balloons, it is becoming clear that urban-style amenities are at the top of the list of must-haves for both Home buyers and renters. Home-Buyers and seekers are now looking for functional spaces with surroundings that complement their busy lifestyle. Our advice on What Matters To Home Buyers, is best explained with a few of the key characteristics that...

Simple steps on deciding and securing your first home

Deciding on and securing your first home is a journey with many potential plot twists. Along the way, expectations will be readjusted, minds will be changed, and snags will probably pop up. In the end, though, when things come together, the destination is hopefully a place you can comfortably call home for at least the next five to seven years. That may not seem like much of a commitment, but five years...

Why You Can and Should Buy a Home When You Still Have Student Loans

Once your personal life points firmly toward home ownership, there are additional factors to consider. Below are 5 additional factors that could indicate that it is time to consider purchasing a home. Keep in mind that everyone’s situation is different, and this criterion is a starting point. The more criteria you fit, the better, but think of this as a guide, not a mandatory checklist. 1. You have a...

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